Nordic Water (Gothenburg, Sweden) has been working on improving the effectiveness of water treatment since 1961. Now Nordic Water, part of Sulzer Group since 2021, is able to offer a wide range of innovative equipment and systems for water purification plants, waste water treatment plants and industries of all sizes. Nordic water is a pure engineering company with a passion for developing original ideas and technical solutions that have the potential to revolutionise its sector and drive the whole industry forward.
With head office in Gothenburg, and offices and service units in Stockholm, Mariestad, Klippan, Hanhals (Sweden), Germany ands Norway, their products are distributed worldwide through a network of sales companies and representatives.
Nordic Water is a leading supplier of screening, sedimentation and filtration equipment to municipal and industrial water treatment plants, with a broad range of products, that includes the renown Meva series of screens and primary treatment equipment, the famous Zickert scrapers, the world leading Dynasand continuous sand filter for tertiary filtration, the engineered flat plate Lamella separators for quick settling and the range of high efficient Dynadrum and Dynadisc filters for compact tertiary filtration.