Patented RSW blower
The patented RSW blower is an Oil-Free (ISO 8573-1 Class 0) high energy efficient air screw compressor.
- Pressure up to 2,500 mbar (g)
- Vacuum up to 300 mbar (a)
- Flowrate up to 10.100 m³/h
The patented Robuschi 3:5 rotor profile guarantees maximum flowrate with the lowest energy consumption. The surface treatment of the screw protects against corrosion and thus the machine performance levels are maintained unchanged throughout the machine life cycle. The rotors are designed with high diameter shafts for excellent resistance to load deformation and thus the compressor works effectively even in the most adverse conditions. Bearings have a longer service life thanks to reduced operating speed.
Robust construction
The screws are designed with large diameter shafts for excellent resistance to deformation from internal and external loads so the compressor works effectively even in the most adverse conditions. Its bearings have a longer service life due to reduced and particularly low operating speed. The sealing between the compression chamber and the oil sump is made by means of special seals with labyrinths and breathing arrangements, without wearing parts.
Silent operation
Robuschi's innovative and unique screw profile optimizes the ratio between flowrate and pressure thanks to maximum internal compression performance, resulting in a lower noise level during the compression phase. Combined with the exceptionally low operating speed (maximum speed of 6000rpm) resulting from the absence of a gearbox, especially designed silencers and the highly efficient soundproof cabin, noise emissions are kept to a minimum.
Simplicity in construction
The RSW low pressure screw compressor is driven by high-efficiency belt transmission and the compression chamber is isolated from the oil sumps by means of special seals without wearing parts. Thus, the compressor is Class 0 certified and complies with ISO 8573-1 for absence of lubricating oil in the discharged air.